Monday 7 November 2011

true friends..

okay, hari ni,, aku nak ckp pasal true friends
cbb hati aku sakit sikit,
hehehe,, lagipun, ramai sgt aku percaya kawan baik aku,,
tapi diaorg tak anggap aku kawan baik pun..
in life, every body's competing,,
and thats what i'm going to do from now on,,,
no more playing or enjoying,
life is more,,, than talking bout someone or something not important
more than something thats not even have to do with our life

aku jadi kawan yang baik, serius aku ckp
bila anyone needs help, i'll be the first to ask n help,
but when i need somebody's help, theres no one there
thats why, when i'm sad or mad, i never talk to anyone
sayng2,,, bile aku buat silap, mmg semua akan nampak
cause human mmg tak leh tgok imperfection,
bile aku bt salah, its like so big, macam kesalahan aku tu leh bt seluruh dunia meletup

anyway,, this is my first true friend,

Al-Quran ni la yang membuatkan aku berasa aman,,
setelah aku bt salah atau sewaktu sedeh,, sentiasa ada di sisiku
hebat sungguh ayat2Mu ya Allah

next is alive of course

Anisa Ajwa
(sorry no piC)

anisa, thanks for just being there
thanks for still believing we are best friend
love u my truest friend i ever met
no worries, i'll be there for u this time

Emillio Daniel

the nerdest friend
hahaha, sowy emil~~~
but u're cute when u were all blurry,,
thanks for being there when i'm crying when i broke up wif my old boyfriend
thanks for being there when i cry in the middle of the night
thanks my talented friend

Farah Anna

walaupu seorg yg hyperactive bt kite
thanks for being my bestfriend
thanks for dgr bile kite ngis
thanks sbb sentiasa ada untuk kite
kite syg awa

Adlee Arshad

the best brother
thanks sebab jaga sha waktu sha tana makan or tido dulu
sayang abg adlee
n thanks sbb dgr sha menangis wktu everything is not right

last but not least

Azlan Shah

:) thanks jaga sha...
sha takkan pernah jadi cmni kalau tak sbb awak jaga sha
n walaupun kite buknnye kenal 10 thun skalipun
tak bermakna kite tak leh bahagia
sha tak kisah pe org nak ckp
thanks for being the best friend
thanks for being the lover
thanks for everything
sha minta maaf, sha bnyak bt salah kat alan,,,
t kalau ada rezeki, sha buat full dinner tuk alan

to friends yg tade dlm ni,,
tak bermakna korg tak penting,, cume
paham jela...
i love all my friends...
maybe someday, kite sume akan jadi true friends
akan berada di sisi walaupun kite di saat yang paling teruk...
nobody's perfect,,
but everyone had the chance to change themselve
tak semestinya skali jahat, akan selamanya jahat...

1 comment:

  1. so sweet dear! dinner huh? ok abg tggu, aminnn ya allah..thanks for evrerything..=)
